Giving Back
There is no greater joy than being able to give back and there’s no
better way to give back then to give into untapped potential.
better way to give back then to give into untapped potential.
One of the projects Lifechange LLC is working on is our giving back project in Capetown South Africa. A chance to touch and change lives inside a community where there is no hope.
I believe strongly that these communities no longer need hand outs, but rather a hand out. Out of their hopelessness, out of their destitution, out of their circumstance. So we work together with the Mountain View Dream center in bringing education, nutrition, job skills and training, as well as medical care to this community on a continual basis. Reaching into their lives to bring about a change.

A little bit about Egoli
Located in the outskirts of Capetown South Africa, Egoli is an informal settlement consisting of over 2,500 shacks crammed into an are a of 2 city blocks with around 25,000 destitute people surviving it. The greatest at risk in Egoli are her children. 60% of the population are under the age of 14, lacking education, proper hygiene, running water and basic necessities like clothing. Many of these children have been left orphaned with no one to care for them. Our desire is to provide for these kids an opportunity to dream and to instill in them a vision.
25% proceeds from our seminars and our time goes towards Egoli and supporting these children and families. If you would like to give or be part please contact me for more information, or you can give directly to the link below.